The Rol of infrastructure projects in public policy: lectur series. Якунин В.

The Rol of infrastructure projects in public policy: lectur series. Якунин В.

На складе

This coursebook is designed for the students of the recently established English-taught MA program «Post-Soviet Public Policy» at the Political Science Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The course provides a brief overview of Soviet and post-Soviet history in related areas, explaining core transitions that aff ect the current state of infrastructure policy in the region. In order to bring together regional specifi city and global trends, the coursebook presents the readers with a brief outline of future infrastructure development.

The aim of this coursebook is not to give a comprehensive review of all aspects of infrastructure policy, but to serve as an introduction to the fi eld, based on the author’s experience and vision. It is designed mainly for foreign students that wish to explore the background of post-Soviet public policy.

Количество страниц88
Год издания2021
Тип обложкиМягкий переплёт
СкладКИУ 2
АвторЯкунин Владимир Иванович
ВозрастДля детей
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